Rotary Club of Barberton
Club Information
Please join us at a weekly meeting!

Serve to Change Lives

We meet In Person
Thursdays at 7:15 a.m.
Fa Ray's Family Restaurant
1115 Wooster Road North
Barberton, OH 44203
United States of America
Please join us Thursday morning's at Fa Ray's Family Restaurant. We begin gathering at 7:15 am. The business portion of the meeting is at 7:30 am, our speaker goes on at 8:00 am.
Einstein's Glittery Sugar Cubes
Feb 20, 2025
Destination Imagination - BMS
Shelly Habegger
Mar 06, 2025
Club Happenings
The Rotary Club of Barberton was chartered on February 29,1924. The day the club was chartered was on a Friday so club members had fun speculating on the charter date- deliberate, based on the day of the week, or it just worked out that way. 
The meeting was called to order by club president, Hugh McMichael. Happy dollars were collected with the club birthday being the reason for many making their contribution. We welcomed guests: Bob Morehead from the Barberton Gazette, and Summit County Councilwoman, Bethany McKenney.
Bethany McKenney presented a Commendation to our club for our works and our centennial. She also shared news of Summit County Eclipse happenings- April 8, 2024. Club member Todd Sabol shared tips for health and fitness and updated the club about his business. We look forward to having him speak at a future meeting so we can find out more about his business. 
Barberton Rotary ran a football pool for the Ohio State vs. Michigan game on Saturday, November 26th. The  proceeds were dedicated to help us support Barberton Area Community Ministries Food Bank.
Thank you for your support in this fund raising event for BACM, we made a donation of $500.00.
Don Patterson from Barberton Parks and Rec. spoke to the club about a disc golf course to be installed at Tuscora Park and sponsorship opportunities for the club. Tammy Simmons spoke to the club regarding the MumFest and the permanent sign Parks and Rec would like to install in the Mum garden area for sponsors. The club presented Don and Tammy with a donation of $500.00
Paula Kallio was presented a donation of $200 towards the Barberton back to school supplies project.
Thank you all who donated and participated in the 2022 Barberton Rotary Golf Outing. We had over 25 teams and enjoyed a beautiful golf course at Turkeyfoot Golf course. 
The club met at Thano's this morning. It was an assembly meeting to discuss the recent club events and fundraising opportunities. We had what was probably our last park pick up for the year at McCafferty Park last Thursday. Our net profit from the Ton's of Taters event was $5796.65. Upcoming volunteer events were discussed: helping BACM unload their food delivery trucks on Mondays between 10-11 am, and also helping out at the concession stands at an upcoming football game. 
The club officially welcomed and inducted as a new member -Hugh McMichael. 
The club received a donation of $250 in honor of Barb Kirbawy. The decision was made to donate the gift to Barberton Library. The library will be using the gift towards establishing a pollinator garden. Pictured are from left to right current club President, Todd Sobol, Barberton Library Director and club member Ann Hutchison, and past director and club member Barb Kirbawy. 
President Elect Dustin Zurafel presented Brittany and John Cominsky a check for $250 for their new Cominsky Family Foundation. John and Brittany were the speakers for our meeting today. John talked about wanting to give back to the community and the area. He also wanted to help children beyond sports. 
The Cominsky Family Foundation has a page in Facebook regarding donation and giving information: 
Our organization is designed to support our local youth, and here’s how you can help. Donate via PayPal, cash, or check.

Come One, Come ALL to the incoming President's Party!

The Welcome In Party for our President Elect (new incoming President) Todd Sobal, will be held the evening of Thursday, June 24th starting at 6 PM in the party room at Finny's Sports Pub on Cleveland Massillon Road in Norton. (Right next to Tim's office and Pizza Hut) Plenty of food will be provided by the Club, but buy your own beverages. This would also be a GREAT TIME to bring a potential New Member to introduce them to the fellowship that is Rotary. Come as you are. You can come into the room either through the Pub or through the entrance by Tim's office. But Come prepared to have a great time!

Recap of Last Week's Meeting

Finally! Last Thursday was the first meeting of Barberton Rotary to take place "Live & Face-to-Face" in over a year. We were back at our previous breakfast meeting venue of Thano's Restaurant on 5th Street in Barberton. A few of the folks had a harder than usual time getting used to the meeting being about a half hour earlier in starting time then the ZOOM meetings, but we were all very gad to see each other again. The gathered members spent the entire meeting time talking about what has happened to them since the past year and just getting reacquainted. We were all able to PROVE we actually did have pants! In short, we are glad to be back.

Golf Outing Time!!!

The time is getting close Folks! We need to start to really push to make our Gold Outing at Chippewa Golf Course be a success. This will be our first Fund Raising effort in support of the many activities supported by the Barberton Rotary Club. We need to sign up "Foursomes, gather prizes, and find Sponsors for the full range of sponsorship opportunities. This Golf Outing will be on August 6th, so we are less than two (2) months away. There should be fewer Outings this year because of ... well, you know, so there should be a good demand to get out and play golf with friends. IF YOU NEED ADDITIONAL INFO CONTACT: DENNY LIDDLE 330-687-7645

This Week's meeting at Thano's - 7:30 AM

We are almost back in full swing (great segue for out next story on the Golf Outing) with in-person meetings for breakfast. So, this week we are going to have a special treat. It will be a bit interactive with the members, but not too aerobic. Carolyn Rees, well recognized Handwriting Analyst will be a rapid fire course  on handwriting. Handwriting Analysis, or Brain Writing is a respected science and mental health tool in most of the world. The USA does lag behind in this area however. If you are there, you may never look at your writing or yourself the same way again. This is a very interesting and FUN FILLED program. You will understand also why she feels that the teaching of Cursive Penmanship which is falling out of favor in the education system is a mistake. Many childhood developmental problems can be solved or lessened with a concentration on handwriting fundamentals of cursive writing.

First Clean Up of McCafferty Park in a year without Masks!

An intrepid group of Barberton Rotarians arrived to clean up the Park and found it in relatively good shape. Obviously it had had some use, however the Barberton folks seemed to respect the area and did a fairly good job of cleaning up after themselves. The members if the photo did their diligence and followed up with even more cleaning.
The weather seemed a bit less than friendly, but at nearly 70 degrees and with the drizzle holding off, it turned out to be a pleasant and refreshing morning of activity.
From L-R:  Ann Hutchison, Ruth Kaser, Dustin Zuravel, Don Kaser, Chris Stoll (and me behind the camera) are pictured below.
Club Executives & Directors
Immediate Past President
Program Chair
The Rotary Foundation
Vocational Services
Youth Protection Officer
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays:
  • Tim Brenner
    February 26
Join Date:
  • Barb Kirbawy
    February 1, 1988
    37 years
  • Dustin Zuravel
    February 11, 2020
    5 years