This Week's meeting at Thano's - 7:30 AM

We are almost back in full swing (great segue for out next story on the Golf Outing) with in-person meetings for breakfast. So, this week we are going to have a special treat. It will be a bit interactive with the members, but not too aerobic. Carolyn Rees, well recognized Handwriting Analyst will be a rapid fire course  on handwriting. Handwriting Analysis, or Brain Writing is a respected science and mental health tool in most of the world. The USA does lag behind in this area however. If you are there, you may never look at your writing or yourself the same way again. This is a very interesting and FUN FILLED program. You will understand also why she feels that the teaching of Cursive Penmanship which is falling out of favor in the education system is a mistake. Many childhood developmental problems can be solved or lessened with a concentration on handwriting fundamentals of cursive writing.