Posted by Ruth Kaser on Nov 14, 2019
Ruth won the coin toss to run the meeting. No one won the big 50/50 pot. Our guests included our speakers Karen and John Godt with Hopeforhonduranchildren. Prior member Jon Hallston has completed and submitted his application to rejoin the club. We also welcomed Steve Kindel as a new member to our club board. 
Vic shared the updated progress of the TowPath Trail signage- there will be 3 signs placed in the Barberton section hopefully in the spring. Todd Sabol has started our club Instagram page and will be our club social media person sharing about our club. Kalie with our cub scout pack left us a message that she will be bringing the popcorn our club members ordered to our next meeting on November 21. Speaking of our next meeting- that is our Thanksgiving meeting and it will be a buffet- what a great meeting to bring a prospective Rotarian!
Our speaker was Karen Godt. Karen shared she is the spokes person for their foundation-Hopeforhonduranchildren. Her husband John handles the financial end of the foundation. Honduras is the 2 poorest country in the western hemisphere, 80% of its population lives in poverty, and they also have 80% of the population unemployed. Their foundation focuses on children who migrate to cities from the villages. The children risk violence, drugs, crime, and gangs as the cities also have high unemployment. They have impacted 5546 children since the inception of their foundation. They have training centers as well as schools. They have worked with Rotary Clubs in the US as well as the Honduras to try to improve the facilities for the children. The cost to sponsor a child is $50.