Posted by Ruth Kaser on Jul 12, 2018
Meeting was called to order by our 2018/2019 president- Chris Stoll. The new Rotary year banner is on display- the theme for this year " Be the Inspiration" .  The 50/50 pot will grow- no one one the $145. Barb reminded everyone to head on over to Barberton Library to see the Rotary display- it is located behind the Reference desk on the main floor. 
Denny  shared regarding the Labor Day festival that is being put on by the Salvation Army. Rotary will have a booth-Corn roasting. We will charge $3.00 an ear and the machine is donated. Now we need a source for corn. 
Sign up sheets were passed around for:
  • Greeters-you sign up for a month. You are responsible to set up for the meeting and do the 50/50 and Happy Bucks,
  • The Labor Day Festival- One-2 people are needed for a 3 hour shift. The event will run from 11 am to 10 pm.
  • The Tons of Taters- 4-5 people are needed for shifts of 3 hours. You would sign up to do either: cut, fry potatoes, do change. Sept 29-30
  • The Reverse Raffle-You can sign up to help on the planning committee, a separate list will go around for help on event night. The date is October 25
  • The 2019 Golf Outing- Will be held June 7.
Speakers are needed for this Rotary year as well as additional members.