Posted by Ruth Kaser on Feb 07, 2019
The meeting was called to order by club president, Chris Stoll. Guests were recognized and included Carolyn Rees, the wife of club member John Rees, and John Reyes the DG Elect. Chris reminded board members there will be a meeting next Tuesday at the Lake Anna YMCA at 7:30 am. The $260 in the 50/50 pot will survive another week as the queen of spades was not pulled.  Barb K suggested club members bring a box of cereal to next weeks meeting as Judge McKenney and his wife, Counselwoman Bethany McKenney will be our speakers. Barb reminded club members of the cereal war between the Barberton and Stow courts.
Our speaker was Dan Rice, the President and CEO of the Ohio & Erie Canalway Coalition. Mr. Rice received our club donation of $5000 for interpretive signage on the Barberton section of the TowPath trail. Dan spoke of the progress of the trail and the goal of its completion by the year 2020.