Posted by Ruth Kaser on Dec 05, 2019
Don Kaser won the toss to conduct the club meeting. The club was the speaker today. Guests were welcomed and included: Kallie , the leader of our cub scout pack and her son, Christopher Weigand, Brett Fogle and Kate DeAngelis. We have received applications for membership to Rotary from Brett and Kate. 
Don shared the news that our District Grant has been approved. Jennifer Sutton explained how the grant monies are going to be used.  Our club would be purchasing items for a sensory area at the Barberton Pre School. Club members will have the opportunity to assemble the items and help set up the area.
No one won the big pot in the 50/50 . Don reminded the club of upcoming events: this coming Friday is the bell ringing at the Barberton Giant Eagle. Also, Wednesday, December 18 we will join the two Kiwanis clubs to see the Magic Singers Holiday Show. It is at 7:30 AM in the Theatre of BHS. 
Don asked the club some questions to consider and share with the group:
  • What is your favorite vacation , past or future;
  • Since you have been involved in Rotary or other civic groups, what has been your favorite service project? What would you like to see as our next one?
  • How can Rotary "Connect the World"