2 for 1, but NOT a Sales!
With the help of the Barberton Rotary Club, two meetings happened simultaneously last Thursday.
(1)While Past President Ruth and long time member Barb Kirbawy were cleaning up McCafferty Park, (perhaps for the last time this year, weather permitting)[2] the rest of the membership was on a ZOOM meeting involved the a Club Meeting and related business.
There was a call from Programs Coordinator, Dustin and President Bob to suggest programs for future dates that would entertain, excite and educate the Club. It is felt that quality programs are helpful in retaining current members and attracting future members, but there must be ongoing value to the Meetings.
A bit was discussed about PICKLE BALL. Apparently President Bob was the only person present who knew nothing about this sport! With member Jim Sawin heading up the Barberton YMCA, it was thought that maybe there was a way in which Rotary could become involve; perhaps something like sponsoring a tournament on a proposed new court.
The Barberton Herald which holds the web site name "BarbertonRotary.Com" has been contacted and is kind enough to offer that name back to the Club. Chris, our resident I.T. mastermind agreed to follow up in securing the transfer of the name to a source such as GOOGLE and host a public site under that name.
Folks, we may be entering the 21st century!
This Thursday will be THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to invite a friend over for coffee (of course at a 6 foot social distance) to view our meeting with our guest speaker from OARDC, the resource from the Agro Department of The Ohio State University. I know there will be extended time set aside for questions. And, this will be the perfect opportunity to get all of your lawn and garden questions answered by a pro!
As Always!!!!
Regular meeting begins at 8 AM Sharp (sorta)
ZOOM meeting I.D. = 987-9379-2619
Password = 1921
Between the Lines
Thank you all for your patients while I attempt to learn to use the new Club Runner website, particularly this BULLETIN section.